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Time-domain reflectometry of electronic devices, Masatoshi Sakai
JSAP Review 250403-1-4 (2025).



応用物理 93 544 - 547 (2024).

High-Resolution Printing of Various Electronic Materials by Electrophotography,

Chen Yi Ngu, Kaito Kozuki, Hinata Oshida, Sang Bin Lee, Raiki Hanazaki, Sayaka Kado, Kazuhiro Kudo, Masatoshi Sakai,

Applied Science 14, 2668 (2024).

Phase Transition Field Effect Transistor Observed in An α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 Single Crystal,

Ryosuke Ando, Ryo Watanuki, Kazuhiro Kudo, Hyuma Masu, Masatoshi Sakai,

Solids, 4, 201–212 (2023).

Initial Photocarrier Generation Process in Organic Photovoltaics Observed with Light-Triggered Time-Domain Reflectometry,
Tomoaki Mashiko, Koki Takano, Akira Kaino, Sou Kuromasa, Shintaro Fujii, Tatsuya Omori, Masatoshi Sakai, Kazuhiro Kudo, Hirofumi Mino

Phys. Status Solidi A 220, 2300142-1-7 (2023).

Time-Resolved Observation of Organic Light Emitting Diode under Reverse Bias Voltage by Extended Time Domain Reflectometry,

Weisong Liao, Akira Kaino, Tomoaki Mashiko, Sou Kuromasa, Masatoshi Sakai, and Kazuhiro Kudo,

IEICE Transactions, Vol.E106-C, No.6, pp.236-239 (2023). 2022OMS0011

Dry Printing of Ag–Ni Conductive Particles Using Toner-Type Printed Electronics,

Fumiya Sawamura, Chen Yi Ngu, Raiki Hanazaki, Kaito Kozuki, Sayaka Kado, Masatoshi Sakai, and Kazuhiro Kudo, Appl. Sci. 2022, 12(19), 9616.

Effective Method for Multi-Probe Electrical Measurements of Organic Single Crystals: Four-Terminal Natural Adhesion Contact, Hiroki Watanabe, Sakyo Ushikubo, Masatoshi Sakai, Kazuhiro Kudo, Hyuma Masu, Solids, 3(2), 311-318 (2022).


Carrier-injection and succeeding pre-channel formation in organic thin-film transistor observed with time-domain reflectometry, Masatoshi Sakai, Weisong Liao, Yugo Okada, and Kazuhiro Kudo, Journal of Applied Physics 128, 085502 (2020).

矢野経済研究所Yano E Plus「SDGと低環境負荷材料・プロセス開発の動向」

Yano E Plus 142, 84-86 (2020).

Organic Sensor Array Distributed in Flexible and Curved Surfaces,

Masatoshi Sakai, Yugo Okada, Yuichi Sadamitsu, Yuta Hashimoto, Nozomi Onodera, Kazuhiro Kudo, Physica status solidi A, 1900626-1-6 (2019).

Pump-probe study of β'-(BEDT-TTF)(TCNQ) crystal near antiferromagnetic transition,

Hirofumi Mino, Shiho Tokuda and Masatoshi Sakai, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1220, 012044 (2019).


Solvent-free Printing of Organic Semiconductor, Insulator, Metal, and Conductor Particles on Flexible Substrates,

Horiuchi Y., Okada Y., Sakai M., Suzuki M., Tomiya H., TechConnect Briefs 2019,  361 - 364 (2019).

ISBN: 978-0-9988782-8-7

Initial carrier-injection dynamics in organic thin-film transistor observed with time domain reflectometry in thickness direction
Masatoshi Sakai, Takuto Honda, Kazuhiro Kudo, Yugo Okada, Yuichi Sadamitsu, Yuta Hashimoto and Nozomi Onodera,
Applied Physics Express 12, 051004 (2019)

Thermal Molding of Organic Thin-Film Transistor Arrays on Curved Surfaces,

Masatoshi Sakai, Kento Watanabe, Hiroto Ishimine, Yugo Okada, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Yuichi Sadamitsu, Kazuhiro Kudo, Nanoscale Research Letters, 12, 349 (2017).


Solvent-Free Toner Printing of Organic Semiconductor Layer in Flexible Thin-Film Transistors,
Masatoshi Sakai, Tokuyuki Koh, Kenji Toyoshima, Kouta Nakamori, Yugo Okada, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Yuichi Sadamitsu, Shoji Shinamura, and Kazuhiro Kudo, Phys. Rev. Applied 8, 014001 (2017)

Partial Dissolution of Charge Order Phase Observed in sigma-(BEDT-TTF)_2PF_6 Single Crystal Field Effect Transistor,

Masatoshi Sakai, Norifumi Moritoshi, Shigekazu Kuniyoshi, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Kazuhiro Kudo, and Hyuma Masu, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 16, 3267-3272 (2016).


Solvent-Free Printing of Flexible Organic Thin Film Transistors by Ultrasonic Welding,
Advanced Electronic Materials, Tatsuhiko Sasaki, Masatoshi Sakai, Tokuyuki Ko, Yugo Okada, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Kazuhiro Kudo, Yuichi Sadamitsu and Shoji Shinamura, Adv. Elec. Mater., 2, 1500221-1-6 (2016).


Physical Property Evaluation of ZnO Thin Film Fabricated by Low-Temperature Process for Flexible Transparent TFT,

Adie Bin Mohd Khafe, H. Watanabe, H. Yamauchi1, S. Kuniyoshi, M. Iizuka, M. Sakai, and K. Kudo: J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 16, 3168–3175 (2016).



Preparation and characterization of silver nanoparticles on localized surface plasmon-enhanced optical absorption,

Md. M.r Rahman, N. Hattori, Y. Nakagawa, X. Lin, S. Yagai, M. Sakai, K. Kudo, and K. Yamamoto, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 53, 11RE01 (2014)

Fabrication of n- and p-channel step-edge vertical-channel transistors by electrospray deposition,

H. Yamauchi, M. Sakai, S. Kuniyoshi, K. Kudo: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 53, 01AB16 (2014).

Mechanical analysis of organic flexible devices by finite element calculation,

Masatoshi Sakai, Yota Yamazaki, Shohei Yamaguchi, Junro Hayashi, and Kazuhiro Kudo: Phys. Status Solidi A 211, No. 4, 795 - 799 (2014).

Photocurrent suppression near antiferromagnetic transition in an organic Mott-Insulator β'-(BEDT-TTF)(TCNQ) crystal,

Tomomichi Ginoza, Tetsuhito Shinohara, Masatoshi Sakai, and Hirofumi Mino: Physica Status Solidi B B 251, 1248 - 1251 (2014).

Flexible organic field-effect transistor fabricated by thermal press process,

A. Inoue, T. Okamoto, M. Sakai, S. Kuniyoshi, H. Yamauchi, M. Nakamura, and K. Kudo: Physica Status Solidi A, 210, No. 7, 1353 - 1357 (2013).

In-situ observation of electric-field-induced acceleration in crystal growth of tetrathiafulvalene-tetracyanoquinodimethane,

M. Sakai, S. Kuniyoshi, H. Yamauchi, M. Iizuka, M. Nakamura, and K. Kudo: J. Appl. Phys., 113, 153513-1-6 (2013).

Organic thin-film transistor fabricated between flexible films by thermal lamination,

M. Sakai, T. Okamoto, Y. Yamazaki, J. Hayashi, S. Yamaguchi, S. Kuniyoshi, H. Yamauchi, Y. Sadamitsu, M. Hamada, and K. Kudo: Phys. Status Solidi RRL, 7,1093-1096 (2013).

Vertical Channel Organic Transistors for Information Tag and Active Matrix Display Applications,

K. Kudo, D. Tsutsumi, H. Yamauchi, S. Kuniyoshi and M. Sakai: Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan, 38(3), 369-372 (2013).

Vertical Channel Organic Transistors for Information Tag Applications,

K. Kudo, S. Kuniyoshi, H. Yamauchi, M. Iizuka and M. Sakai: IEICE Trans. Electron., E96-C(3), 340-343 (2013).

THz-wave absorption by field-induced carriers in pentacene thin-film transistors for THz imaging sensors,

S-G. Li, R. Matsubara, T. Matsusue, M. Sakai, K. Kudo and M. Nakamura, Organic Electronics, 14, 1157-1162 (2013).

Fabrication of organic conductive wires and molecular break junction,

M. Sakai, H. Yamauchi, M. Nakamura and K. Kudo, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 358 012011 (2012).

Gate-Induced Thermally Stimulated Current on the Ferroelectric-like Dielectric Properties of (BEDT-TTF)(TCNQ) Crystalline Field Effect Transistor;

M. Sakai, M. Hanada, S. Kuniyoshi, H.Yamauchi, M. Nakamura and K. Kudo, Crystals 2, 730-740 (2012).

Molecular manipulation technologies using an electric field and application to organic nanoelectronics,

K. Kudo, and M. Sakai, IEICE transactions on electronics, E94-C, 12, 1816-1823 (2011). (Invited Paper)

Observation of disorder-driven carrier localization by Auger resonant Raman scattering in n-type doped ZnO; M. Sakamaki, N. Kawai, T. Miki, T. Kaneko, T. Konishi, T. Fujikawa, K. Amemiya, Y. Kitajima, Y. Kato, T. Muro, H. Yamauchi, M. Sakai, Physical Review B 83, 155210 (2011).

Visible effects of static electric field on physical vapor growth of lead phthalocyanine crystals; M. Sakai, M. Iizuka, M. Nakamura, K. Kudo, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 054309 (2011).

Ferroelectriclike dielectric response and metal-insulator transition in organic Mott insulator-gate insulator interface; M. Sakai, Y. Ito, T. Takahara, M. Ishiguro, M. Nakamura, K. Kudo, Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 043711 (2010).

Crystal Order in Pentacene Thin Films Grown on SiO2 and Its Influence on Electronic Band Structure; R. Matsubara, M. Sakai, K. Kudo, N. Yoshimoto, I. Hirosawa, and M. Nakamura, Org. Electron. 12, 195-201 (2011).

Anisotropy of Electrical Conductivity in a Pentacene Crystal Grain on SiO2 Evaluated by Atomic-Force-Microscope Potentiometry and Electrostatic Simulation; N. Ohashi, H. Tomii, M. Sakai, K. Kudo, and M. Nakamura, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 203302 (3 pages) (2010).

Extrinsic Limiting Factors of Carrier Transport in Organic Field-Effect Transistors; M. Nakamura, H. Ohguri, N. Goto, H. Tomii, M.-S. Xu, T. Miyamoto, R. Matsubara, N. Ohashi, M. Sakai and K. Kudo, Applied Physics A 95, 73-80 (2009).

Spontaneous Activation Process for Self-aligned Organic Nanochannel Transistors; M. Sakai, H. Miyata, K. Itami, M. Nakamura, and K. Kudo, Applied Physics Express 1, 081802 (2008).

Analysis of barrier height at crystalline domain boundary and in-domain mobility in pentacene polycrystalline films on SiO_2; R. Matsubara, N. Ohashi, M. Sakai, K. Kudo, M. Nakamura, Applied Physics Letters 92, 242108 (2008).

Ambipolar field-effect transistor characteristics of (BEDT-TTF)(TCNQ) crystals and metal-like conduction induced by a gate electric field : M. Sakai, H. Sakuma, Y. Ito, A. Saito, M. Nakamura, K. Kudo, Physical Review B 76, 045111 (2007).

Conductivity fluctuation within a crystalline domain and its origin in pentacene thin-film transistors; N. Ohashi, H. Tomii, R. Matsubara, M. Sakai, K. Kudo, M. Nakamura, Applied Physics Letters 91, 162105 (2007).

High-performance bottom-contact organic thin-film transistors with controlled molecule-crystal/electrode interface; M. Xu, M. Nakamura, M. Sakai, K. Kudo, Advanced Materials 19, 371-375 (2007).

Vertical-type organic device using thin-film ZnO transparent electrode; H. Iechi, T. Okawara, M. Sakai, M. Nakanura, K. Kudo, Electrical Engineering in Japan 158, 49-55 (2007).

Organic nanochannel field-effect transistor with organic conductive wires : M. Sakai, M. Nakamura, K. Kudo, Applied Physics Letters 90, 062101 (2007).

Fabrication and device simulation of single nano-scale organic static induction transistors; N. Ohashi, M. Nakamura, N. Muraishi, M. Sakai, K. Kudo, IEICE Transactions on Electronics E89-C, 1765-1770 (2006).

有機導体ワイヤ作製技術と有機ナノデバイスへの応用:酒井正俊,中村雅一,工藤一浩,応用物理第75巻 第3号(2006年3月号) p314-317 最近の展望

Organic nano-transistor fabricated by co-evaporation method under alternating electric field: M. Sakai, M. Iizuka, M. Nakamura, K. Kudo, Synthetic Metals 153, 293-296 (2005).

Vertical type organic light emitting device using thin-film ZnO electrode; H. Iechi, M. Sakai, K. Nakamura, M. Iizuka, M. Nakamura, K. Kudo, Synthetic Metals 154, 149-152 (2005).

Potential mapping of pentacene thin-film transistors using purely electric atomic-force-microscope potentiometry; M. Nakamura, N. Goto, N. Ohashi, M. Sakai, K. Kudo, Applied Physics Letters 86, 122112 (2005).

Poly(3-hexylthiophene) field-effect transistor with controllable threshold voltage; H. Nishimura, M. Iizuka, M. Sakai, M. Nakamura, K. Kudo, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 44, 621-625 (2005).

Self-organized growth of tetrathiafulvalene-tetracyanoquinodimethane molecular wires using the co-evaporation method under a static electric field: M. Sakai, M. Iizuka, M. Nakamura, and K. Kudo, Journal of Applied Physics 97, 053509 (2005).

Thin film transistor with oriented copper phthalocyanine micro-crystals fabricated by physical vapor deposition under DC electric field: M. Sakai, M. Iizuka, M. Nakamura, K. Kudo, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 43, 2362-2365 (2004).

電荷移動錯体ワイヤを用いた有機ナノトランジスタ: 酒井正俊、矢嶋英治、佐久間広貴、飯塚正明、中村雅一、工藤一浩, 電気学会C部門誌,124-C, No.6, 1224-1228 (2004).

Fabrication of Organic Transistors Using BEDT-TTF and (BEDT-TTF)(TCNQ) CT-Complex Films: H. Sakuma, M. Sakai, M. Iizuka, M. Nakamura, K. Kudo, IEICE TRANS. ELECTRON., vol.E87-C, No.12, 2049-2052 (2004).

Electrical Characterization of a P3HT thin film prepared by an applying-field casting method; H. Nishimura, M. Iizuka, M. Sakai, M. Nakamura and K. Kudo, Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn., 29 (3), 751-754 (2004).

酸化亜鉛透明電極を用いた縦型有機デバイス; 家地洋之、大河原健、酒井正俊、中村雅一、工藤一浩,電気学会論文誌C, 124 (6), 1207-1212 (2004).

Fabrication and Electrical Characterization of Tetrathiafulvalene-tetracyanoquinodimethane Molecular Wires : M. Sakai, M. Iizuka, M. Nakamura, K. Kudo, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 42, 2488-2491 (2003).

「自己組織化」有機ナノトランジスタ; 中村雅一,佐久間広貴,酒井正俊,飯塚正明,工藤一浩,表面科学,24(2),77-82 (2003).

Pressure dependent photopolymerization kinetics in C60 crystals: Observation of exponential dependence on intermolecular distance : M. Sakai, A. Nakamura, Physical Review B 64, Brief reports 033413 (2001).

Raman scattering study of photopolymerization kinetics in C60 crystals : M. Sakai, M. Ichida, A. Nakamura, Chemical Physics Letters, 335, 559-566 (2001).

Photopolymerization and thermal decomposition of polymerized phase in C60 crystals under strong laser illumination : M. Sakai, M. Ichida, A. Nakamura, Fullerene Science and Technology, 9, 351-361 (2001).

Photopolymerization of C60 crystal under high pressure : M. Sakai, M. Ichida, A. Nakamura, Nanonetwork Materials: Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Related Systems, 451-454 (2001).

Deformation potentials of C60 and C70 crystals in low temperature frozen phase studied by photoluminescence spectroscopy under high pressure : M. Ichida M. Sakai, T. Karasawa, T. Komatsu, A. Nakamura, Solid State Communications, 118, 119-122 (2001).

Ultrafast relaxation of excitons and photopolymerization process in fullerenes : A. Nakamura, M. Ichida, M. Sakai, T. Yajima, Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, 124, 267-275 (1997).

Luminescence properties of C70 in solutions and solids : M. Ichida, M. Sakai, T. Yajima, A. Nakamura, J. Luminescence, 72-74, 499-500 (1997).

Luminescence due to intra- and inter-molecular transition in C70 single crystals: M. Ichida, M. Sakai, T. Yajima, A. Nakamura, H. Shinohara, Chemical Physics Letters, 271, 27-32 (1997).

Luminescence properties and relaxation dynamics of photoexcited states in C60 solids: M. Ichida, M. Sakai, T. Yajima, A. Nakamura, Prog. Crystal Growth and Charact., 33, 125-128 (1996).

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